Girls of the golden west 1971 pb pictorial
Girls of the golden west 1971 pb pictorial

girls of the golden west 1971 pb pictorial

Endas Rathfarnham, the school which Patrick Pearse had founded in 1908 and where MacDonaghs brother, Thomas, executed after the 1916 Rising, taught. This film is also known as REPUBLICAN LOAN This film was shot by John MacDonagh at St. Michael Collins sits at a table (an intertitle states that it was the block upon which Robert Emmet was executed in 1803) and passes Republican or Dail Bonds to a number of prominent Republicans, including Arthur Griffith, the mother of Patrick Pearse, the widow of the executed leader, Eamonn Ceannt, and a person referred to as McDonagh (brother of the films director?). P.c.: Aengus for the Department of Foreign Affairs, p: Joe Mendoza, Patrick Carey, c: Patrick Carey, e: Anne Chegwidden, mc: Brian Boydell, mr: Peter Hunt, narr: Tom St John Barry, Niall Toibin, Literary Advisors: T.R. Screened at the 12th Galway Film Fleadh, 11-16 July 2000.Ĭo Sligo, Lissadell, Thoor Ballylee, Coole Pk, Knocknarea, Ben Bulben, Glencar, Drumcliffe Churchyard, Yeats Country. Very similar in style and approach to W.B. The images are accompanied by excerpts from Yeats poetry. ALSO won Certificates of Merit at Moscow, Barcelona, San Francisco, Vancouver, Acapulco, New York and Mannheim. The film won a Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival, a Diploma at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Award in 1966 (hob). Government-sponsored lyrical documentary which uses the landscape of Sligo to present the poetry of William Butler Yeats as it evokes the mystical past of the landscape. c: Aengus Films for the Department of External Affairs in association with Roinn na Gaeltachta, BFÉ and RTE, p: Patrick Carey, Vivien Carey, d/c: Patrick Carey, s: Peter Hunt, Tony Anscombe, ed: Ann Chegwidden, m: Brian Boydell, p.a: Penny Cabot, Judith Toner, commentators: Brian Carey (English version), Níall Toibín (Irish version), GB distr: Contemporary Films. Mountains, Landscape, Countryside, Storms, Weather Changes.

girls of the golden west 1971 pb pictorial

Screened at the 12th Galway Film Fleadh, 11-16 July 2000.

girls of the golden west 1971 pb pictorial

Patrick Careys film production papers are held at the Irish Film Archive. Patrick Careys SKY, which is somewhat similar in composition to ERRIGAL, was made in Canada. The films soundtrack is comprised of natural sounds and is largely without commentary. The mystical evocation of Errigals character is presented through mist, clouds and the mountain itself. Poetic documentary on Mount Errigal, the highest mountain in Donegal, where "moods change by the minute".

Girls of the golden west 1971 pb pictorial